Is Your Mom Eating Too Much Sodium? Why It Matters

Home Care Services in Summit NJ: Senior Sodium Intake

Home Care Services in Summit NJ: Sodium is in so many things. It is found naturally in many types of meat, fruits, and vegetables. At the same time, you have the table salt that’s added to the meals you eat.

Dealing with Exhaustion and Loneliness Might Be Easier than You Think

Home Care in Cranford NJ: Dealing with Exhaustion and Loneliness

As a caregiver you might have spent more afternoons than you want to recall wishing that you could take a nap instead of powering through multiple difficult tasks. But you want to be there for your senior and you might not feel as if you have other options. You might be surprised. Get Really Honest […]

Would Most Seniors Prefer to Age in Place?

Caregiver in Elizabeth NJ: Aging in Place

Study after study reveals that elderly Americans would much prefer to age in place than to move somewhere else in their golden years. However, even with the best of intentions, many elderly adults are no longer capable of living at home independently. It’s not very easy to take care of oneself when physical limitations threaten […]

Eating Tips to Help Your Senior’s Heart Stay Healthy

Senior Care in Westfield NJ: Eating Tips for a Healthy Heart

Heart disease is the leading cause of death among both men and women in the United States. Approximately 25% of deaths are related to cardiovascular disease each year. Whether your senior has suffered a serious health event such as a heart attack, or they are simply wanting to stay healthier and prevent future health problems, […]

Helping Seniors Wash Their Hair

Elderly Care in Scotch Plains NJ: Helping Seniors Wash Their Hair

Washing hair is particularly important to keeping seniors healthy and clean, plus boosting their self-esteem about how they look. When family caregivers are not able to help their aging loved one with grooming and hygiene care, they hire elderly care providers to assist. Why Do Seniors Need Help with Washing Hair? With age, elderly adults […]

Five Tips for Maximum Exercise Benefits for Arthritis

Elder Care in Edison NJ: Exercise and Arthritis

If your senior family member is going to start exercising as the primary tool in managing her arthritis, she needs to get the most benefit from it. These tips can help her to get the most out of moving more. Don’t Race into it on Day One. The biggest mistake your senior could make when […]

What Does it Mean if Your Senior Has Prehypertension?

Senior Care in Cranford NJ: Prehypertension

If your aging family member’s doctor mentions to her that she has prehypertension that can sound a little worse than it really is. Hypertension is high blood pressure and prehypertension is a state in which her blood pressure isn’t high just yet, but it could get much higher if left unchecked. Understanding exactly what this […]