What Should You Do to Ensure Your Parents Age Well at Home?

Senior Care in Elizabeth NJ: Aging Well at Home

Your parents want to live in the house they own now. They don’t want to sell, pack up everything, and move to a new location. It’s not unusual for seniors to want to age at home. To ensure they do so safely, there are some precautions you should take. Do a Safety Evaluation. Find out […]

Tips for Helping Your Senior Manage the Emotional Impact of Pain

Elderly Care in Westfield NJ: The Emotional Impact of Pain

When most people think of pain, they think of the physical aspect of the pain. It can leave you exhausted, compromise your mobility and ability to complete tasks, and diminish your physical functioning. As a family caregiver for an elderly adult, it is important to recognize that it is not just the physical aspect of […]

Four Benefits You Might Not Have Considered about Respite Care

Elder Care in Clark NJ: Benefits of Respite Care

If you’re still on the fence about hiring respite care providers, it might help to know that there are so many different benefits to taking this time for yourself. Some of them even help you to help your senior that much more. You Can Spend Time with Your Other Family Members. Unless it’s just you […]

What about Your Social Life?

Have you given much thought to your own social life? You probably worry about your senior’s social involvement, but yours is just as important. Check Yourself for Signs of Isolation. Isolation is something that can sneak up on you without you realizing it. Sit down and think back to the last time you went out […]

Why is it a Good Idea to Attend Your Mom’s Annual Checkup?

It’s time for your mom’s yearly checkup. You’ve never given much thought to joining her. This year, it’s been on your mind. Your mom said she doesn’t care if you come. Here are some reasons why it is a good idea to attend her annual checkup. She May Not Understand the Doctor’s Orders. When a […]

Is it Time to Step in and Help Your Senior More?

Elderly Care in Clark NJ: Is It Time to Help More?

It’s a delicate balance for family caregivers and their aging adults. You want to help, but you don’t want to overstep your bounds. So how can you tell when it’s truly time to step in a little more often? She Might Not Ask for Help. Some of the changes that your senior faces as she […]

Tips for Helping Your Senior Maintain Their Friendships

Home Care in Rahway NJ: Helping Seniors Maintain Friendships

Getting enough social interaction is important for everyone, but elderly adults often struggle with maintaining friendships and other relationships. Your aging parent may be suffering from mobility issues and challenges that keep them from being able to get out of the house as often as they would like to, may have moved into a new […]

Helping Hands Homecare Turns 15!

Helping Hands Homecare Turns 15!

All of us at Helping Hands Homecare wish to express our sincere appreciation to our customers, employees and business partners for their loyal support as we celebrate our fifteenth year in business. When our company was founded in 2003 with just a few employees, we could hardly foresee our growth into a partnership with the […]

How Can You Help Your Senior Manage Type 2 Diabetes?

Elder Care in Cranford NJ: Managing Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a form of diabetes that usually does not require your senior to use insulin. It does, however, involve unstable blood sugars that your senior can hopefully control with diet and exercise. Talk with Her Doctor about a Care Plan. Right after your senior is diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, her doctor […]