Senior Care News

Tips for Caring for Yourself While Caring for an Elderly Adult with Parkinson’s Disease


Elderly Care in Linden NJ

Being a family caregiver means that you have committed yourself to giving of your time, energy, effort, and resources to manage your elderly parent’s needs as they age in place. Your devotion to Elderly-Care-in-Linden-NJ pursuing and achieving this goal, however, can quickly make it so that you are not thinking of yourself and your own needs. This is especially true if your elderly loved one is dealing with a serious disease such as Parkinson’s disease and their care needs are particularly extensive. Not taking care of yourself properly can have a detrimental effect on your health and well-being, but also on how well you are able to care for them moving forward.


Use these tips to help you care for yourself while caring for an elderly adult with Parkinson’s disease:

  • Give yourself permission. The first thing that you must do when it comes to taking care of yourself is to give yourself permission. It is easy to feel guilty for wanting to concentrate on yourself and your own needs, but it is critical that you remind yourself that you are important and deserve care. Give yourself permission to take a step back and pay attention to yourself so you can be healthy and strong for your loved one.
  • Schedule the time for yourself. It is sometimes difficult to think of where you are going to fit in time to take care of yourself. This makes it essential that you put an actual effort into scheduling this time for yourself. Rather than just fitting yourself in when you can, actually put it on your calendar or make a specific time and day that is for you and only you. This will ensure that you stick to it and that you do not overbook yourself and not have enough time for your own needs.
  • Think basics first. When taking care of yourself, think of your basic needs first. This means eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, combating germs, and getting plenty of exercise. Once you have established a healthy, beneficial lifestyle, fit in other ways to care of yourself, including time to yourself, stress-relief activities, time with your children and partner, favorite hobbies, and more.


Starting elderly care for your aging parent is one of the most nurturing, caring, and effective decisions that you can make throughout your journey as their family caregiver. In this role you are responsible for making sure that your aging loved one get the care and support that they need to help them handle their current health challenges, reduce the risk of suffering others, and prepare for the possibility of future symptoms and challenges while also ensuring that they can live the highest quality of life possible as they age in place. When they are suffering a serious illness such as Parkinson’s disease, the highly personalized services of an elderly home care services provider can help your parent to manage the challenging symptoms that they are experiencing, prepare for the future symptoms that will develop as they progress through the condition, and maintain an active, engaged, and fulfilling quality of life. When it comes to helping you care for yourself as you are caring for your elderly parent, having the personalized support of an elderly home care services provider ensures that your parent gets everything that they need while you are able to step back, take time to yourself, relieve your stress, and focus your time, energy, and effort more efficiently.

If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring elderly care in Linden, NJ, call the caring staff at Helping Hands Home Care today at 908-418-4299. Providing Home Care Services in all of Northern and Central NJ, including Clark, Westfield, Cranford, Scotch Plains, Rahway, Linden, Summit, Edison, Elizabeth, Mountainside and the surrounding areas.

Robert D'Arienzo
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