Senior Care News

Home Care Services: Signs Your Senior Is Magnesium Deficient

Home Care Services: Although magnesium deficiency is rare, with less than 2% of Americans having problems, many people are not getting enough magnesium from their diets.
Home Care Services: Magnesium Deficiency
Home Care Services: Magnesium Deficiency

Home Care Services: Although magnesium deficiency is rare, with less than 2% of Americans having problems, many people are not getting enough magnesium from their diets.

This can include seniors. As your loved one ages, they should always get regular checkups from the doctor. From these checkups, seniors and home care services providers will know low vitamins and minerals in a senior’s body.

Magnesium deficiency is also called hypomagnesemia and cannot be diagnosed without the symptoms becoming severely low. If a senior suffers from diabetes, chronic diarrhea, celiac, or hungry bone disease, they may be at higher risk for magnesium deficiency. Companion care at home can help keep track of abnormal behavior or anything that could be symptoms of something more serious.

Doctors can look at the symptoms or screen for magnesium deficiency in seniors through blood tests in most cases. This is one of the best ways to understand what is low and what is too high. From these tests, seniors can make better health choices and help companion care at home know what symptoms to look for in case things get worse. Caregivers can not help seniors manage medication, but they can help set up daily reminders for the senior.



Home Care Services: Magnesium Deficiency



Symptoms and Signs Home Care Services Should Look For…

Take a look at these symptoms. If you think a senior has more than a few of these symptoms it may be time to get their magnesium levels checked out. Usually to be diagnosed the levels have to be extremely low. A senior can run these symptoms by their doctor to find out if it is safe enough to consume more foods with more magnesium.

-Cramps and Tremors

If a senior is super low on magnesium the worst thing that could happen is a seizure or convulsions. In mild cases, it can cause body cramps and light tremors. No matter if they are big or small, companion care at home should keep a record of when they happen.

-Body Fatigue

Once in a while, it is normal to become fatigued but not ongoing fatigue is a problem and not normal. Usually all a senior has to do when feeling fatigue is laying down and rest for a while. Unfortunately, this symptom can make it hard to diagnose a magnesium deficiency because it is linked to so many other health concerns.

-High Blood Pressure

Having high blood pressure increases the risk of heart disease, this is not good for seniors and can even be deadly. Lower amounts of magnesium have been linked to high blood pressure which should be avoided in seniors.

-Irregular Heartbeats

This is also called heart arrhythmia and can have several other symptoms attached to it. This is another very serious symptom of magnesium deficiency but can also be caused by other things. If you notice a senior struggling with dizziness, shortness of breath, fainting, and chest pains, it is time to look into this condition. Call a home care services provider to help keep an eye on your senior for these and other symptoms.


If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring Home Care Services in Cranford, NJ, call the caring staff at Helping Hands Home Care today at 908-418-4299.

Providing Home Care Services in all of Northern and Central NJ, including Clark, Westfield, Cranford, Scotch Plains, Rahway, Linden, Summit, Edison, Elizabeth, Mountainside, and the surrounding areas.


Robert D'Arienzo
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