Senior Care News

Four Tips to Reduce the Chances of a Repeat Heart Issue

Home Health Care in Scotch Plains NJ: Cardiac health is always important, but especially if your senior has one or more heart issues already.
Home Health Care in Scotch Plains NJ: Reduce Heart Issues
Home Health Care in Scotch Plains NJ: Reduce Heart Issues

Issues with your senior’s heart health sound vague, but they can include uncontrolled blood pressure, cardiac failure, and other problems. Compromised heart health can cumulatively add up and become a serious problem for your senior.


Home Health Care in Scotch Plains NJ: Reduce Heart Issues
Home Health Care in Scotch Plains NJ: Reduce Heart Issues


Avoid Adding to the Stress of All of This

You and you’re senior both are experiencing stress related to her heart issues, but if you allow that to keep you both upset that’s going to contribute to the problem. Finding ways to reduce stress, both for you and for your senior, is really important. In your senior’s case, handing over tasks to you and to home care providers can make life easier and safer for her. For you, knowing that you can take respite time and that elder care providers are there with your seniors can make a huge difference.

Her Doctor Is a Crucial Part of This Process

Your senior’s doctor is a big part of helping her to avoid future heart troubles. She may be adding some doctors to her team, too, often in the form of a cardiologist, but possibly other specialists, too. These doctors are going to work together to help you’re senior to formulate a care plan, both for now and in the future.

She Needs to Follow Recommendations, Especially with Medications

All of these medical advisors are going to have recommendations for your elderly family member. They may want her to start taking certain medications or stop doing certain things, like pushing herself too hard when she’s feeling lousy. With medications, there may be some specific ways that she needs to take those medications, particularly in terms of when she needs to take them and what types of foods or drinks she needs to avoid because of those medicines.

Some of Those Recommendations Might Mean Lifestyle Changes

Lifestyle changes are extremely common recommendations for people with heart issues because these can give your senior big results with far fewer side effects than other treatments. She may need to consider doing things like changing how and what she eats or starting an exercise program with her doctor’s blessing. These changes may make her grumble at first, but when she sees health improvements, that can make her more enthusiastic about them.

Repeat issues with your senior’s heart are much more likely if she doesn’t make any adjustments to what she’s doing right now. Even small changes in the right direction can make a big difference for her overall health.


If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring Home Health Care in Scotch Plains, NJ, call the caring staff at Helping Hands Home Care today at 908-418-4299.

Providing Home Care Services in all of Northern and Central NJ, including Clark, Westfield, Cranford, Scotch Plains, Rahway, Linden, Summit, Edison, Elizabeth, Mountainside, and the surrounding areas.


Robert D'Arienzo
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