Senior Care News

Important Information about Sleeplessness in Seniors


Senior Care in Cranford NJ

One of the most common complaints among seniors is not getting enough sleep, which is also referred to as insomnia. While there are some seniors who complain that they have interrupted sleep, Senior-Care-Cranford-NJ others note that they have lost entire nights of sleep. There are a number of health conditions linked with senior sleep loss, including some cancers, obesity, arthritis, and heart disease.

If a senior experiences consistent sleeplessness it can result in fatigue during the day and slower response times, which can increase the potential for an accident or fall. Other health concerns that family members and senior care providers need to know about are listed here, along with some tips for combating sleeplessness.

Anxiety and depression

Depression can result in nights that are completely sleepless. However, when seniors receive treatment for their depression, they can resolve these abnormal sleep patterns, in most cases. If depression is the result of a large life occurrence, such as the loss of income, or loss of a loved one, the sleep patterns can be interrupted temporarily. It is essential for an elder care provider to take note of this behavior and inform adult children so they can seek medical help prior to the condition causing more serious health concerns.


If a senior is suffering from insomnia, avoiding the intake of caffeine is a must. Drinks such as soda, tea, and coffee should be avoided after a certain point each night. Even chocolate can contain caffeine, and should be eaten in moderation, or not at all, by seniors suffering from insomnia. Sugar should be eliminated, as well, since it will act as a stimulant and promote more energy. When attempting to eliminate sugar from a senior’s diet completely, it is essential to read labels carefully. There are some products, such as cereal and bread that have enough sugar to interfere with sleep patterns in seniors.

Physical activity and daily routines

Improving a senior’s sleep patterns will also require following a daily routine. This routine should include some type of physical activity, including light weight lifting, yoga, walking, or light stretching. This will help to improve symptoms associated with anxiety and stress while eliminating issues with depression and increasing circulation. The key is to ensure that the senior does not participate in this physical activity directly before bedtime, since this can have the opposite effect of trying to get them tired.

In order to effectively eliminate disturbances in a senior’s sleep, it will require the person to go to bed at the same time each night. Also, all distractions from their bedroom should be taken out – such as televisions and computers. A warm bath prior to bed will also help to relax the muscles, which can help provide a more restful night’s sleep. The senior may also find reading prior to bed, crocheting or knitting calming, as well. Take some time to use these tips to ensure that a senior gets adequate sleep each night.

If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring senior care services near Cranford, NJ, call the caring staff at Helping Hands Home Care today at (908-418-4299).

Providing Home Care Services in all of Northern and Central NJ, including Clark, Westfield, Cranford, Scotch Plains, Rahway, Linden, Summit, Edison, Elizabeth, Mountainside and the surrounding areas.


Robert D'Arienzo
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