Senior Care News

New C.A.R.E. Laws Enacted to Help Family Caregivers

Caregiver in Summit NJ

Caregiver in Summit NJ

Caregiving is a twenty-four hour non-stop job. Family members risk “burn out” when they try to provide all the in-home care by themselves. Many report that when they use the help from professional Caregiver in Summit NJ caregivers to give themselves a break, it rejuvenates their enthusiasm for continuing to give care.

Most benefit from having a day off from caregiving at least once per week, just to have some free time to themselves without having to worry about the person they are caring for is still receiving proper care. Everyone is starting to recognize that caregiving is a major national effort that includes improving the health care system, the assistance of trained medical practitioners, and the use of professional family caregivers to augment the efforts of friends and family members of the person needing care.

The Bangor Daily News uses a quote from Rosalyn Carter to make the point very clear. The former First Lady says there are only four kinds of people in the world. They are:

  1. Those who were caregivers;
  2. Those who are caregivers;
  3. Those who will be caregivers, and;
  4. Those who need caregiving.

It is clear from Mrs. Carter’s statement that caregiving must be a national priority. This is especially true as the aging of the American population continues to add more people to the elderly class who need caregiving.

New Legislation to Support Family Caregivers
It is nice to see the passing of recent legislation in multiple states in support of family caregiving efforts. These laws are directed at efforts to help unpaid caregivers and professional caregivers support them as well, because they make perfect logical sense. The balance between unpaid caregivers and paid professional caregivers who provide in-home care is the best way to address the needs of the elderly without having to rely on other more costly and less effective solutions like putting the elderly in nursing homes or other institutional care. The elderly prefer when it is possible to stay in their own homes.

Maine Law
The legislature in Maine recently enacted LD 666 – The Caregiver Advise, Record, Enable Act. This new law is to support family caregivers to help keep their elderly in their homes and not put them in costly institutions.

It provides for:

1. Registration of the caregiver when an elderly relative goes to the hospital or rehabilitation facility;

2. Notifying the registered caregiver when the person is being discharged from such a facility and going back home, and:

3. Making the facility responsible for training the caregivers in the medical tasks needed to be performed at home including management of medications, caring for wounds, injections, and transfers.

According to the Observer-Dispatch, a similar bill passed recently in the State of New York. CBS News reports that Nevada is considering a similar bill as well as Oregon. AARP reports that efforts are also being made in Alabama, Connecticut, Missouri, and Wisconsin.

If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring caregiver services near Summit, NJ, call the caring staff at Helping Hands Home Care today at (908-418-4299).

Providing Home Care Services in all of Northern and Central NJ, including Clark, Westfield, Cranford, Scotch Plains, Rahway, Linden, Summit, Edison, Elizabeth, Mountainside and the surrounding areas.

A no-brainer solution to help Maine’s older adults and their family caregivers

A no-brainer solution to help Maine’s older adults and their family caregivers

LD 666 Maine C.A.R.E. Act

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Robert D'Arienzo
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