Senior Care News

Senior Care: Does Your Elderly Loved One Need More Help Than They Will Admit?

Senior Care: Imagine this...You are taking care of your elderly loved one and realize they haven’t taken a bath in a few days. Or maybe, you came over to their house and realized it was a bit messier than usual.
Senior Care in Edison NJ: Senior Assistance
Senior Care in Edison NJ: Senior Assistance

Senior Care: Imagine this…You are taking care of your elderly loved one and realize they haven’t taken a bath in a few days.

Or maybe, you came over to their house and realized it was a bit messier than usual. There are many things that senior citizens need help with that they are too afraid or embarrassed to ask for help with. Your elderly loved one might need more help such as senior care than they will admit. If this is the case, there are some things that you may want to know.


Senior Care in Edison NJ: Senior Assistance


Help with Basic Tasks

Does it seem like your elderly loved one needs more help than they are admitting? If so, one of the ways that you can help them is by picking up some of the most basic tasks. For example, when you go to their house maybe you could wash a few of the dishes that are in the sink. You may want to organize the shoe rack by their front door. If your elderly loved one sees that you are there to help, they may be more willing to ask for help with other things, too.

Assisting with Hygiene Tasks

Your elderly loved one may need help with hygiene tasks. Many senior citizens need help with these tasks, but they are too embarrassed to ask for help. If it seems like your elderly loved one hasn’t been bathing well or very often, you may want to intervene. However, it is important that you do so in the best way possible. First of all, be sure not to judge your elderly loved one or say anything negative. It might be best to start in an understanding tone. Then, if your elderly loved one prefers you don’t help with these tasks, you can suggest hiring senior home care providers to help.

Getting to Appointments

Maybe, you thought your elderly loved one was attending all their appointments only to get a call from their doctor saying they missed an appointment. Your elderly loved one may not be going to their appointments since they don’t drive. If you realize this is happening, it is important to mention to your elderly loved one that you or senior home care providers can help with transportation.

Senior Care: Conclusion

Does it seem like your elderly loved one needs more help than they are admitting? Maybe, they have asked for help with little things here and there, but you can tell they need help with other things, as well. If this is the case, there are many ways that you can help them out. If they aren’t willing to get more help from you or other family members, you can suggest hiring senior care providers.

If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring Senior Care in Edison, NJ, call the caring staff at Helping Hands Home Care today at 908-418-4299.

Providing Home Care Services in all of Northern and Central NJ, including Clark, Westfield, Cranford, Scotch Plains, Rahway, Linden, Summit, Edison, Elizabeth, Mountainside, and the surrounding areas.




Robert D'Arienzo
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