Senior Care News

Senior Indoor Activities for the Cold Weather


Senior Care in Westfield NJ

Fall is here and that mean’s cold weather is right around the corner in many areas of the country.  Before the snow comes, the temperature drops, and the senior and elderly care provider are stuck inside with nothing to do, prepare an “Emergency Anti-Boredom Kit” to stave off the boredom blues that cold weather can bring. Here are a few ideas to spark the imagination.  Talk to the senior and see what they would like to include in the “Emergency Anti-Boredom Kit Senior-Care-Westfield-NJ .”

1. Board games

Just two or three fun board games are enough.  Scrabble, Checkers, and Monopoly will keep a senior and their elderly care provider busy through cold, snowy days.  Be sure to get games adapted for seniors. These usually have larger numbers and letters and contrasting shapes to see everything better.

2.  Go through old photos and take new ones

Keep the old photo albums handy for a trip down memory lane once the weather turns cold.  As the senior browses the photos, they’ll certainly have a story or two to tell.  Afterward, take some fun pictures to start a brand new photo album with brand new memories.

3.  DIY spa

This is an especially fun activity for senior women.  For the DIY spa, most of these items can be purchased at the local supermarket or pharmacy.  Include the following in DIY spa kit:

  • A delicate face wash, face mask, and face lotion for mini facials.
  • For manicures and pedicures, include a mani/pedi kit that contains clippers, a nail file, and a buffer.  Fragrant lotion for a foot and hand massage and a variety of nail polish for the toes and fingers.  Include fun colors like bright green and sky blue.
  • Include extra, fragrant lotion for a shoulder and neck massage.
  • Aromatherapy has been known to produce a calming effect.  Add a couple of aromatherapy candles or essential oils to the DIY spa kit.
  • Include a CD of relaxing music.
  • Include brand new brushes for a soothing, scalp stimulating hair brushing treatment.

Mad libs

These funny fill in the blank stories will not only make the senior and elderly care provider laugh, the stories will help them brush up on their grammar skills.  Simply insert parts of speech, such as a noun, verb, adjective or adverb, into blank spaces and then read the story aloud for a good laugh.  This is an especially fun activity to have on hand when children or teenagers are visiting on a cold day.

If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring senior care services near Westfield, NJ, call the caring staff at Helping Hands Home Care today at (908-418-4299).

Providing Home Care Services in all of Northern and Central NJ, including Clark, Westfield, Cranford, Scotch Plains, Rahway, Linden, Summit, Edison, Elizabeth, Mountainside and the surrounding areas.


Robert D'Arienzo
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