Senior Care News

Six Common Health Issues for Seniors

Caregiver Linden NJ

Caregiver in Linden, NJ – Health Issues for Seniors

 Physical Inactivity

Physical activity is good for preventing or delaying certain diseases such as cancer, diabetes and cardiovascula Caregiver Linden NJ r diseases. As people grow older, they tend to be inactive. This should not be the case. You may want to check your local community center for exercise programs to keep your loved one active and strong for many years. Eating healthy food as you age is equally as good for a healthy life. Seniors should limit their intake of unhealthy sweets and candy.

Overweight and Obesity

Seniors are at risk of getting hypertension when they are obese or overweight. Some other illnesses such as cardiovascular diseases, respiratory and other infections can be directly linked to obesity. Overweight and obesity also interfere with a senior person’s mobility, flexibility and balance.


It is the number one cause of illness and premature death in the United States.  Smokers who seek help from their physicians are able to successfully quit compared to those who do not reach out for assistance.

 Substance Abuse

People do not expect seniors to abuse drugs and alcohol. Nevertheless, there is enough evidence to suggest that some elderly loved ones occasionally do. This leads to serious health issues. Sometimes, senior citizens may intentionally or unintentionally mix drugs and consume alcohol.  The assumption that senior citizens are respectable people and will not indulge themselves in such deeds, makes it difficult to ask seniors about substance abuse.  Furthermore, it makes it difficult for seniors to ask for help if they feel they have an issue with drugs and alcohol.

 Mental Health

There is a perception that dementia is part of the process of growing old. Fortunately, this is not so. People suffer from dementia due to a variety of reasons, like various illnesses or infections. Researchers are still trying to identify causes. Depression is more common in seniors as they age. When depression is not treated, seniors can slip into a serious mental health state.


A common cause of injuries in the elderly is falling. Current estimates show more than a third of seniors 65 years and above fall each year. Seniors are encouraged to do physical activities such as exercising to improve their balance and enhance their strength. One way to reduce injuries due to falling is to modify the home in such a way so it is less likely a senior will fall when moving around.

Seniors who receive loving care and companionship from a caregiver tend to be healthier and happier overall. Having someone to talk to and to do activities with on a daily basis is a big boost for both mental and physical well-being.

If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring caregiver services near Linden, NJ, call the caring staff at Helping Hands Home Care today at (908-418-4299).

Providing Home Care Services in all of Northern and Central NJ, including Clark, Westfield, Cranford, Scotch Plains, Rahway, Linden, Summit, Edison,Elizabeth, Mountainside and the surrounding areas.

Robert D'Arienzo
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